Our network is mourning the tragic loss of our member Amy St. Pierre who was killed in a mass shooting in Atlanta yesterday. Amy was just 38 years old and left behind her husband and two small children. Amy was an active member of Solidaire, a community-builder, and beloved by all, especially our Southern Hub.
Amy was a public health advisor at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and was passionate about public health, maternal health outcomes, and HIV treatment. She also believed in the power of people united in social movements to uplift communities and transform society. Amy quietly and steadfastly supported Atlanta-based and regional social justice movements for years.
Most recently, Amy was active in the campaign to #StopCopCity. She and Solidaire member Shannon took their kids to the kick-off event for the Defend the Forest week of action. Amy believed in resourcing frontline communities in the South and was an early supporter and advocate for the Southern Power Fund. Through Solidaire, she gave generously to Black land justice campaigns, including homeownership, farming, and the Acorn Center for Restoration and Freedom. In addition, Amy invested in building a multi-racial democracy and electoral power in working-class communities through her investment in Solidaire Action.
Amy was a politically rigorous, heart-centered organizer, and her loss impacts us all. We will continue to honor her devotion to equitable public health, and racial and climate justice through our collective work.