July 17, 2024
Donor Activism Is Part of Movement Building
Solidaire Network member and Donor Organizer Shannon Cofrin Gaggero, in a recent essay for Duke’s South Atlantic Quarterly Journal, shares her story about coming into activism and eventually donor organizing.
After the Charleston, SC, church shooting, a tragic event in which a white supremacist took the lives of nine Black worshippers, I questioned if I was actively working toward creating the world I want for my children. The hard truth was, outside of voting, I wasn’t taking action at all.
Shannon shares the events, including participation in Southerners on New Ground‘s Black Mama’s Bail Out campaign, that led her to realize what she had to offer to movements for social justice and how she eventually joined Solidaire.
Shannon’s story is a powerful testimony to donor organizing and calls on donors to show up for movements with the same commitment as frontline organizers.
It is going to take all of us to transform our world toward solidarity and collective liberation. Together is the only way that we will win.