Movement R&D Fund Summer Cycle Open

Movement R&D Fund Summer Cycle Open

We are thrilled to announce that Solidaire’s Summer 2017 Movement R&D Cycle is launching today, and we are now accepting nominations!

Please share this announcement widely with your networks and consider nominating a great project or organization that fits our Movement R&D Fund GuidelinesThe deadline for nominations is Monday, June 5th.



We are seeking proposals from groups organizing for change with leadership from marginalized communities that are proposing truly new experiments in movement building, with the potential for movement-wide impact. We are specifically interested in proposals that focus on one or more of the following priorities:

1. Building Economic Power: 
We have heard time and time again from our grantees and field partners that dependence on foundations and major donors is a key challenge that movements face in realizing their full potential. The Movement R&D Fund seeks proposals for creative experiments to reduce dependence on traditional philanthropy including revenue generation, membership models, and building regenerative, community-centered economic infrastructure.

2. Making Movements More Strategic: 
Every movement moment presents new challenges and learning opportunities. New and long-time organizers are adapting, experimenting, and thinking in new ways about how to organize, mobilize, and win. The Movement R&D Fund seeks proposals that show the potential to train and support leaders from across movements to expand their imaginations, strategize in new ways, and apply new organizing tactics to their work.

3. Scaling Movement Impact: 
We know that mass mobilizations and uprisings (whether planned or unplanned) have the potential to change the public imagination of what is possible and to escalate popular participation. The Movement R&D Fund seeks projects that aim to escalate issues and mobilize new participants into movement building.

4. Translating Movement Power into Governing Power:
The Movement R&D Fund seeks projects experimenting at the overlap between movement building and political power, including attempts to engage a movement base as a political base.
We welcome nominations from any leader or group that fits the full criteria, and invite groups to self-nominate. A collaborative team of activists and Solidaire members will review proposals and make final decisions about grants by the end of July.

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you!
Leah Hunt-Hendrix, on behalf of the Movement R&D Team