Learning and Reflections: Evaluating our Theory of Liberation

Learning and Reflections Report: Evaluating our Theory of Liberation

We engaged independent professional evaluators to assess Solidaire’s progress in implementing our Theory of Liberation, a ten-year vision. They produced a Learning and Reflections report that offers a critical look at our progress and gives us valuable insights into potential paths ahead of us. View the interactive, digital Learning and Reflections report here.

The Solidaire Network Learning and Reflection process has been a true blessing to our organization. We set out to evaluate our progress against our 2019-2022 theory of liberation and we have accomplished that and so much more. Thank you to everyone who has supported this important process.

Through the insights of this report, we understand ourselves as bold and successful. We also understand ourselves as committed to learning, building, and fulfilling more and more of our freedom dreams. We take our role seriously, as critical protagonists in the racial, gender, and climate justice struggles of our times. We are committed to enhancing our strengths and addressing our growing edges.

We will not waver in this orientation until long-term progressive power in the United States is a reality. We are consistent, responsive and trustworthy. We are a trusted and powerful partner to movement organizations. We will continue to respond to these extraordinary times with extraordinary vision and rigor.

As we develop a refreshed strategic direction, we know that our work has only just gotten started. Thank you to our evaluative consultants, movement partners, members, board, and staff. You are each an indispensable part of this journey and propelling us forward.